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Moving Toward Better

Moving Toward Better

Hosted by: Karen Bemmes

Karen Bemmes and the Moving Toward Better Podcast are dedicated to helping you live your best life, powered by your unique and amazing personality. This is the place where you find out that your weird is wonderful,...


Navigating Relationships: Reality vs Expectations

Season #4

Do all your relationships end up the way you expect them to? Is that a good or bad thing, and what if you could make it better? Have a listen and share your experiences in the comments I participate in the Amazon...
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How to Live a Happier Life: 7 Things to Start Doing Today

Season #4

Are you happy? Could you be happier? If you’re the happiest you’ve ever been, you may not need this episode, but if you think you could be happier, this could help you get there. Listen and find out how you  can live...
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Practical Tips to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Season #4

Nearly everyone feels Imposter Syndrome at some point. What separates the successes from the pack is learning how to overcome Imposter Syndrome to find the success they’re looking for. I participate in the Amazon...
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How my College Reunion Changed My Perspective on Life

Season #4

It’s amazing what a life experience like a college reunion can bring about. It can be a humbling and yet uplifting experience, and that’s what my most recent one was for me. Come along and listen to the experiences...
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How to parent your highly inquisitive child better

Season #4

The Inquisitive, Cautious child is a delight when they are being a rule follower and behaving. They can be a nightmare when they disregard the rules and do what they want because they think your rules are stupid. They...
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How to parent your highly sensitive child better

Season #4

The blessing of a highly sensitive child is how kind they are. The challenge of a highly sensitive child is how easily they can be pushed around even by those they love. There are multiple ways to deal with that issue...
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How to parent your dramatic child better

Season #4

If you have a Dramatic child, you may find them hilarious, exhausting, ridiculous, entertaining and more. Like the Driven child, the Dramatic and Inspired child has specific needs and when you know how your...
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How to parent your strong willed child better

Season #4

If you have a strong willed child, you may be convinced that they will be an amazing leader someday, if only you can survive until they grow up. That’s why you need to know how to Parent by Personality so you...
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Toxic Productivity and How to Avoid It

Season #4

While I love to talk about productivity hacks and how to be more productive in your life and business, there comes a time when that can tip over into a toxic situation, and this episode discusses how to avoid that for...
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What are the best productivity hacks for your personality? Part 4 the Cautious Personality

Season #4

This week we talk about Productivity Hacks for the Cautious personality to help them balance their productivity with their love of perfection. I participate in the Amazon Associate and Influencer programs which means...
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What are the best productivity hacks for your personality? Part 3 the Supportive Personality

Season #4

Time to talk about the sweet Supportive personality and productivity. This may be the personality that struggles the most with the idea of productivity, but the productivity hacks in this episode can make you more...
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What are the best productivity hacks for your personality? Part 2 the Inspired Personality

Season #4

When you’re an Inspired Personality Type, you typically struggle with tasks, so these productivity hacks are designed to help you get your tasks accomplished efficiently, so you can spend your time doing the fun...
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